5 easy snacks you didn’t know you needed

5 easy snacks you didn’t know you needed

When you think of snacking, your mind automatically points you to the sweets and potato chips of this world. There are endless options for you to choose from and it almost feels like reflex to get up from where you are, head into your pantry or fridge and grab a packet of biscuits to keep your mouth busy as you watch tv or just lazy around.

Sometimes though, it may feel quite repetitive because of course, everyone has their favorite snack. Not to mention, you die a little inside when you realize you’ve run out of your beloved packet of jellybeans! Well, when that happens, we want you to know that we’ve got you covered with a list of simple snacks you didn’t know you needed and can easily make at home. They are healthy, quick to make and most importantly, oh so yummy!

  1. Homemade potato chips

Now I know, why is this first on the list right? Because, potatoes! Potatoes are one of the most lifechanging vegetables to ever exist. How so you ask? Well, have you ever thought about the number of things you can make using JUST potatoes? Baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, grilled potatoes, the list goes on and on and on…

Potato chips are one of the easiest snacks you can make at home and you can also choose to make it with your own little twist. Grab a number of potatoes, ensure they’re nice and clean to get rid of excess dirt, cut into thin slices (peel on or off – it’s up to you really), season with salt/pepper and bake or fry. You can choose to make it slightly different and use sweet potatoes instead.

2. Tuna on toast

I know what you’re thinking. Tuna on toast? Doesn’t sound very appealing but believe me, it’s the bomb.com. This simple snack will have you feeling all sorts of good especially on your cheat days. All it requires is a few ingredients you’ll for sure find in your kitchen. You’ll need some toast, tuna chunks, mayo, vinegar, salt and pepper. By now, you know where this is going…

After toasting some bread and placing on your plate, mix tuna chucks (drain the oil or water from the can), mayo, vinegar, salt and pepper until you get that tangy taste to your preference. What follows? Simply add your mixture on your toast. The crunch from the toast and flavor from the tuna mix will leave you wanting more.

3. Salad on a stick

Yes, we said it. I mean how else is there to have a salad? This is a very fun snack. All you need is your choice of ‘salad’ and salad dressing. Some prefer to use ranch dressing or vinaigrette.

Slice some carrots, cucumber or celery to resemble sticks and simply dip in your choice of dressing. This is a yummy and easy snack to have while you watch a movie or read a book. It will switch up your eating habits to the occasional chocolates and make it slightly different. You’ll love it and so will your family.

4. Banana spread

Yes, the name is unusual but the taste? Out of this world. What we love most about this snack is that you can make it a family affair and involve all the kids and adults. Get some bananas, peanut butter and bread. If you’ve got any leftover chapatis, pancake or naan, feel free to use them. Simply spread some peanut butter on your choice of bread. Slice up some bananas and place them on your spread and roll it out. It’s. That. Simple.

5. Biscuits, fruit and yogurt

Got some plain yogurt and fruit? Why not make it a combo? This snack is as healthy as it gets and will have you feeling so energetic. With the addition of biscuits on a cheat day, you’ll get an amazing blend of sweet, crunchy and of course, boosting flavor of a snack.

 If you’re wondering where the biscuits go in this, the answer is easy. Just take a couple of biscuits, break them down to tiny pieces and sprinkle on top of your fruit in yogurt mix. If you want to switch it up, you can add your crunched-up biscuits first so that they are at the bottom of your dish, then add the yogurt and fruit on top. Of course, the element of the biscuits is optional depending on your diet.

We could go on and on about all the different snacks you can make at home. Sometimes even a fruit smoothie would do. Anything to get you on your feet and in your kitchen to try something new especially now that you’ll most probably be spending your time at home. Make it exciting, creative and challenge yourself to try a new easy snack recipe every day. Include your kids too and find out how they can help around in the kitchen during snack time and explore all the delicious bites you can create!
