Are you feeling Stuck?
Have you been feeling stuck and blocked lately? You have tried everything but it’s like you are constantly banging on the same door that is not opening; with no way forward that seems to work, leaving you feeling frustrated.
Now days life is happening at such a fast pace; full of deadlines, demands and challenges, with little or no time for you to rest or catch your breath, let alone to have a well needed break, quality time out with your family and some fun with your friends.
All these day to day external pressures constantly in your path can create a build-up of on-going stress and with no outlet can negatively impact your happiness, peace of mind and your self-confidence.
What you need is a solution that works and to do more of this in order for forward movement and flow to gain momentum in your life.
As you read this I want you to relax your shoulders, take a deep breath in and out. Right, so let’s focus on the relief and the solution as I am all about solutions that bring relief and that get results.
We are all human beings and sometimes we get so caught up in the “noise, chaos and drama” and then stuck in the problem of what one doesn’t want (and only see this) as appose to the solution and what you do want and what will bring relief.
So, if you are feeling stuck right now and it’s impacting your self-confidence, self-worth or esteem, grab a pen and paper and take 5 minutes to ask yourself the following questions as this is your first way forward to getting “unstuck” (yes, I know it’s not real English …. Lol… but “unstuck” is a powerful description)
Here we go …
1. Ask yourself what am I stuck in? (Problem)
2. Then ask yourself what have I been focusing on? (Problem or solution)
3. Then ask yourself what do I want? (Goal, dream or desire)
4. Then focus on what your want (to get solution oriented)
In my on-line Private coaching program “Claim your Personal Power” we get a bit more in depth, but these 4 questions are key to get your mindset shift you need. When you focus on what you want your attitude and perspective will alter and you will align yourself with what you want and not what you don’t want. This will have a direct and pleasant effect on your state of mind, well-being and your confidence and more importantly to creating the freedom and the life you dream of.
When you are in the right mind frame and more confident you really can achieve anything, you will feel motivated and be free to align yourself to a life you love. By freeing yourself up to move forward with ease you will start to feel happier, lighter, your creative ideas will start to flow, you will suddenly feel you have the space to have more quality time with your friends and family and you will feel more deserving and worthy of the well needed personal break of your choice.
So, get busy with your answers to start steering yourself in the right direction today.
Self-doubt is another area that can knock your self-confidence and hold you back in life from achieving personal success and freedom.
If you would like to work through a self-doubt exercise, please sign up on the following link and you will receive the next email in this series.
Enjoy getting into the flow of life by being solution oriented and focusing on what you want.
Wishing you a fantastic day
Debra McCreedy
Confidence Coach, Specialised Kinesiologist